Načítání stránky

About Us

We are especially focused on steel forming for the automotive, electronics and mining industry. Out of metal sheets or coils we produce semi-finished parts. Since 2012 the company has been specialized at aluminium forming. Among other production sectors which we do includes manufacturing of cutting molds for ourselfs or on a demand. UNIRON s. r. o. is a modern engineering company, which since the very beginning is focused on a cooperation with stable partners from the Czech Republic and abroad. We are a traditional company operating on the market more than 20 years.

.One of the main company´s goals is to provide a service which meets all needs and requirements of present or future business partners. We honor the principles of commercial honesty, respectability, decency and enviromental principles. To meet all the business partners requirements we care about quality, reliability and delivery dates. The highly qualified UNIRON team with rich experience and reliable suppliers together take care of customer´s satisfaction.


ISO 14001:2005 Certification

ISO 14001:2005 Certification2015

Won a Victory in Prestige Competition

Won a Victory in Prestige Competition2014

Dynamic Business Development

Dynamic Business Development2013

ISO 9001:2009 Certification

ISO 9001:2009 Certification2012

New Production Portfolio

New Production Portfolio2011

Machinery Modernization

Machinery Modernization2010

Operational Programme Enterprise and Innovation

Operational Programme Enterprise and Innovation2009

Transformed UNIRON s. r. o.

Transformed UNIRON s. r. o.2007

Cooperation with foreign companies

Cooperation with foreign companies2001

Expansion and renewal of the old machinery

Expansion and renewal of the old machinery1994

UNIRON was established

UNIRON was established1993


Sanela s. r. o.
Constellium Singen GmbH
KKP Adviser & Produktion A/S
Proludic SA
Silesia Tech s. r. o.
Massag a. s.
Ferram strojírna s. r. o.
Isotra a. s.
OTBR s. r. o.
Brano a. s.
Elsymco s. r. o.
Merida Hradec Králové, s.r.o.
ISMM Production & Business Cooperation s.r.o.
HON - Kovo s. r. o.
CWS – Boco Slovenská republika s. r. o.
Gastro – Haal s. r. o.